What do brown-banded cockroaches look like?
Less than 1/2 inch long, brown with dark brown on top of wings. Females are shorter and broader than males. Adult males fly if disturbed. Both adults and immatures can be distinguished by a broad brown band across the midsections of its body at the base of the wings and abdomen.
When are brown-banded cockroaches most active?
Life cycle of brown-banded cockroaches
Gradual metamorphosis
Females produce eggs that they carry in an egg case that is attached to their abdomen. After 30 hours of carrying the case, the female will attach it in a hidden area. The cases (oothecae) hold about 13 eggs. Young cockroaches hatch from the case in 37-103 days and will be mature in 8-31 weeks.
Habits of brown-banded cockroaches
- Diet: Any food items and non-food items with glue-like envelopes, bookbinding, drapes, etc.
- Activity: Nocturnal
- Preferred Climate: Warm, dry areas
- Defense: Speed and ability to hide in tight spaces
- Cautions: Secrete an odorous fluid, spread disease, can cause damage as a result of their feeding habits
- Home Invasion: Often found indoors hiding in dry areas behind frames, inside pantries, closets, and furniture. Often near the ceiling.
Are brown-banded cockroaches dangerous?
Brown-banded cockroaches are a dangerous pest that carries and spreads disease and bacteria that can cause gastroenteritis, diarrhea, and food poisoning among other harmful conditions. Brown-banded cockroaches can also trigger asthma and allergies.
Where do brown-banded cockroaches nest?
They tend to prefer higher locations than most species of roaches. Often found in high cabinetry in kitchens and bathrooms.
Helpful hints for brown-banded cockroaches
To keep brown-banded cockroaches out of your home or business, we strongly encourage thorough sanitation practices and partner with a local pest control company that offers ongoing pest control services.
Interesting facts about brown-banded roaches
Brown-banded cockroaches can jump, but only males are able to fly.
How do you get rid of brown-banded cockroaches?
For relief from brown-banded cockroaches and other types of roaches in the Phoenix and Tucson metros, contact Northwest Exterminating. Our locally operated pest control company offers home pest control services that exterminate cockroaches. We also offer commercial pest control services for businesses dealing with cockroaches and other pest problems.

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