What do American cockroaches look like?
American cockroaches are reddish-brown to mahogany colored and are identified by a distinctive yellow band behind their heads.
When are american cockroaches most active?
Life cycle of American roaches
American cockroaches undergo a gradual metamorphosis and reproduce at a slower rate in comparison to other cockroach species. Females deposit egg cases (oothecae) in hidden areas or will glue them to the side of a structure.
Up to 16 immature cockroaches (nymphs) will emerge from the case in 5 to 7 weeks. Nymphs will molt 10 or more times in a year before becoming an adult.
Adult cockroaches can live up to one year producing an average of 150 young during that time.
Habits of American cockroaches
- Diet: Anything including meats and grease, starches, sweets, leather, wallpaper paste, book bindings and sizing.
- Activity: Nocturnal
- Preferred Climate: Warm and humid environments
- Defense: Speed
- Cautions: Cockroaches have been linked to human illnesses like allergies, food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, and childhood asthma.
- Home Invasion: These cockroaches are often known as sewer roaches and are primarily found outdoors. They occasionally enter homes. Spotting fecal pellets, egg cases, caste skins or smelling an identifiable odor can be a sign of cockroach infestations. Validating suspicions an infestation exists can be achieved by examining the area with a flashlight at night.
Are American cockroaches dangerous?
Bites are not a concern. More often the spreading of disease is the most to worry about.
Where do American cockroaches nest?
Common nesting sites of the American cockroach include:
- Moist, humid or dry environments
- Food storage and preparation areas
- Basements and landscaping
Helpful hints
To keep American cockroaches out of your home, we recommend:
- Regular sanitation practices
- Eliminating water sources
- Repairing plumbing fixtures
- Sign up for a regular pest control service plan
Interesting facts about the American cockroach
American cockroaches are the largest house infesting roach.
How do you get rid of American cockroaches?
If you're having problems with American cockroaches, contact Northwest Exterminating right away. Our home pest control experts will work diligently to exterminate cockroaches. We also offer commercial pest control services for businesses that are being taken over by roaches.

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