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Blog Posts: Residential Pest Control

termite damage uncovered during remodel
July 19, 2024

Is Termite Control Necessary In Phoenix & Tucson?

Living in Phoenix, Tucson, or elsewhere in Southern Arizona, homeowners often…
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ants crawling on dirty bowl in tucson kitchen
July 6, 2024

3 Reasons You Keep Seeing Ants In Your Home

When ants infest your trash, counters, or even under the kitchen sink, it can be…
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happy dog in phoenix az
June 27, 2024

Pet-Friendly Pest Control Services In Phoenix & Tucson

Pet-Friendly Pest Control Services For Phoenix & Tucson Life is better with…
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fire ants crawling in southern arizona yard
June 3, 2024

Summer Bugs To Watch For In Phoenix & Tucson

When summer heats up in Arizona, pest activity increases. All living things…
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water meter box
May 23, 2024

Bees In Water Meter Box

Let us start by saying, Yikes! It is a bit unnerving to discover bees in a water…
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springtail inside tucson home
May 3, 2024

Are Springtails Coming Up Through The Bathtub Drain?

When lots of tiny fleas start springing around in your bathtub, you may wonder:…
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tucson exterminator treating home for pests
April 4, 2024

The Spring Forecast Calls For Scorpions

According to the Bug Barometer, released by the National Pest Management…
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scorpion found in tuscon az
March 19, 2024

Bugs In Arizona: Spring Edition

In our state, pests never stop pestering us. But, as we enter spring, we’ll…
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winged termites could mean you have a termite infestation
March 4, 2024

How Long Can Termites Go Undetected?

Subterranean termites are known as silent destroyers because they can remain…
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american cockroach in bathroom
February 19, 2024

3 Signs You Might Have Roaches In Your Home

Cockroaches are elusive insects that can be difficult to spot. Experts in the…
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house mouse in phoenix yard
February 8, 2024

How Do You Tell The Difference Between Mice & Pack Rats In Phoenix?

In Phoenix, and really throughout our Arizona service area, we're called on to…
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water drops on bathroom door in tucson home
January 15, 2024

Why Are Termites Attracted To Bathrooms?

Termites in Southern Arizona are a continual threat, and these insects can start…
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